Hello there, Atom users! I took a first crack at adding a basic Atom CLJS setup guide to http://clojurescript.org, and if people have the time, I would love to have another set of eyes to double-check this pull request: https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript-site/pull/98
@rgdelato I was putting together a similar getting started guide at https://gist.github.com/mikeball/0b816d345e6cd966a10891c727eba695 Please feel free to use any parts of it that you'd like.
Cool, thank you! (Also, slightly amused that you have a link to my old video in there :D)
Well that video is great! 🙂 You should embed it.
I actually need to record a new one, Proto REPL has been updated so that you should be able to actually launch Figwheel from within Proto REPL now (and you can actually exit it properly!)
I also prefer to start the figwheel repl outside of atom in separate console, then connect to it, because often atom needs to be restarted, as ironically mentioned just a couple messages before this conversation. Perhaps consider that as recommended method? That way people can restart atom independently of restarting repl.
Maybe also mention atom-ink which gives inline results, a feature that should excite new users?
Hmm, maybe. The Figwheel docs say using the :nrepl-port
is deprecated, so I tried to move away from that, but maybe
I wasn't aware of that, do they have a repl-port that's a cljs repl by default so no need to upgrade?
Not sure, I'm looking at this: https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel/wiki/Using-the-Figwheel-REPL-within-NRepl#the-old-way-of-connecting-to-nrepl
Looks like figwheel just removed the nrepl port all together? There must be something running under the hood.
All I know is that periodically atom needs to be restarted and it's unfortunate that we will also need to endure a repl-restart at the same time as well.