
seancorfield 2017-08-03T00:40:29.684124Z

In the command palette, Inline Results: Clear All

seancorfield 2017-08-03T00:40:56.689852Z

That's cmd-i cmd-c if you're on a Mac

seancorfield 2017-08-03T00:41:26.696280Z

^ @mattly

mattly 2017-08-03T00:42:21.707345Z

@seancorfield thanks; that cleared results but not this spinner thing

mattly 2017-08-03T00:42:25.708231Z

I might try reloading atom

mattly 2017-08-03T06:18:55.319945Z

so.. is this a normal Atom thing?

mattly 2017-08-03T06:19:31.327204Z

I've had it running for maybe four hours, I've got four tabs and proto-repl open

seancorfield 2017-08-03T06:32:55.500002Z

I run it for days at a time dealing with several dozen source files, a REPL running continuously, and I never see memory climb that high. But if you've done some huge data structure processing in the REPL I guess 11GB is possible?

mattly 2017-08-03T06:33:12.503931Z

no, that wouldn't be it

mattly 2017-08-03T06:33:33.509216Z

from reading their support forums it sounds like there's potential issues with community plugins running amok

seancorfield 2017-08-03T06:33:56.514145Z

I don't have much installed beyond Jason's "opinionated" guide.

mattly 2017-08-03T06:34:33.522379Z

yeah, that's what I followed

seancorfield 2017-08-03T06:34:34.522579Z

I have Git Plus, a fancy file opener... not much else...

rgdelato 2017-08-03T17:32:14.244350Z

I have quite a lot of plugins installed and I'm pretty sure I've never seen memory climb that high, not sure what's going on there (just checked, Atom claims I have 30 community packages installed)

mattly 2017-08-03T20:36:14.442519Z

I've used Atom's package-cop to do some bisecting of the community packages I have installed, it's definitely a problem with either proto-repl or ink

mattly 2017-08-03T20:37:27.481428Z

connecting via nrepl is fine, but once I start evaling code there's problems

mattly 2017-08-03T20:40:04.564601Z

I'm going to try mimicking Jason's setup exactly and see if there's still problems

mattly 2017-08-03T21:32:18.107244Z

hm, up to over a gig of ram within an hour of light use

seancorfield 2017-08-03T21:38:55.275048Z

Mine crept up to 720MB while I was running some heavy stuff in the REPL with a lot of files open but it's dropped back to 640MB since I stopped that.

mattly 2017-08-03T21:59:31.773065Z

yeah I suspect the issue is particular to my setup

mattly 2017-08-03T22:00:23.794718Z

I have a ...talent... for finding the little corners of software where things break in ways they shouldn't

mattly 2017-08-03T22:23:05.261588Z

filed an issue: