
mnewhook 2017-10-21T00:15:59.000006Z

when I fire up my proto repl (-main) doesn't work until I load the code. From lein repl it works. Any hints?

seancorfield 2017-10-21T00:21:26.000015Z

If ProtoREPL is starting a REPL server using your project.clj, I would expect the behavior to be the same. Do you have multiple projects open in Atom?

mnewhook 2017-10-21T00:21:40.000106Z


mnewhook 2017-10-21T00:22:20.000182Z

I'm just trying to run one of the game-clj demos --

seancorfield 2017-10-21T00:23:04.000150Z

@mnewhook Ah, lein repl opens up in your :main namespace -- but ProtoREPL opens up in the user namespace.

seancorfield 2017-10-21T00:23:27.000077Z

(it's been a while since I used lein -- I switched to Boot a year ago)

mnewhook 2017-10-21T00:24:21.000093Z

even if I do (in-ns 'super-koalio.core.desktop-launcher) it doesn't work? or (#'super-koalio.core.desktop-launcher/-main)

seancorfield 2017-10-21T00:26:06.000088Z

Are you sure the REPL you're starting in ProtoREPL is actually starting up in your project folder? It should tell you where it's starting the REPL at the top of the REPL pane...

mnewhook 2017-10-21T00:26:52.000074Z

Starting REPL with lein in /Users/matthew/src/cl/play-clj-examples/super-koalio/desktop

mnewhook 2017-10-21T00:28:01.000056Z

I actually added a user.clj as (the same)

mnewhook 2017-10-21T00:28:17.000028Z

So it says:

:reloading (super-koalio.utils super-koalio.entities super-koalio.core super-koalio.core.desktop-launcher user)
proto-repl-demo dev/user.clj loaded.
Start completed

seancorfield 2017-10-21T00:31:02.000203Z

Hmm, no idea then. Sorry. I did confirm that a Leiningen REPL started in ProtoREPL comes up in the user namespace, not the :main namespace -- which is why you're seeing this behavior. But I don't know why the behavior in ProtoREPL is different to just starting a REPL in a terminal 😐

mnewhook 2017-10-21T00:42:01.000065Z

Its the :main super-koalio.core.desktop-launcher that messes it up. If I comment out this line it all works