
henrik 2018-07-15T13:56:51.000041Z

On macos, where do I need to register an environment variable in order for it to be available in proto-repl?

henrik 2018-07-15T13:57:17.000025Z

Google Cloud absolutely demand this as the exclusive way of authenticating with the services.

henrik 2018-07-15T16:53:51.000056Z

Or is there some other way to pass in env variables to the repl?

seancorfield 2018-07-15T18:07:25.000022Z

@henrik in your .profile file should work (I'm away from my machine until Wednesday -- can check them if that doesn't work).

henrik 2018-07-16T16:27:49.000245Z

Thank you Sean, I did get it to work somehow. I set it in about a thousand places (`.profile`, .bash_profile, launchctl,, .bashrc etc), so I’m afraid I can’t report back right now which settings that worked.