
jmp 2019-09-08T16:53:49.001400Z

I’m experiencing this issue currently when trying to run the repl in atom, is there something obvious I’m missing?

seancorfield 2019-09-08T17:11:09.002700Z

I suspect that's the same issue the #chlorine folks just had to deal with @juanmp -- Ink has removed some of the console-related APIs that Chlorine was relying on, and I expect it's the same for ProtoREPL (and no one is maintaining that really these days).

seancorfield 2019-09-08T17:13:48.003500Z

You could try downgrading Ink to 0.10.2 and see if that fixes your problem.

jmp 2019-09-08T17:17:25.004500Z

Hi Sean! Thank you for looking into the issue and the insight into it! Yeah that actually fixed it 😄 Thank you as usual for your help

seancorfield 2019-09-08T17:31:56.005700Z

BTW @juanmp I switched to Chlorine partly because ProtoREPL seems to be unmaintained (and partly because I wanted a simpler toolchain without nREPL etc).

jmp 2019-09-08T17:43:15.006100Z

Thank you @seancorfield 😄 I’ll check it out