I’m experiencing this issue currently when trying to run the repl in atom, is there something obvious I’m missing? https://github.com/jasongilman/proto-repl/issues/321
I suspect that's the same issue the #chlorine folks just had to deal with @juanmp -- Ink has removed some of the console-related APIs that Chlorine was relying on, and I expect it's the same for ProtoREPL (and no one is maintaining that really these days).
You could try downgrading Ink to 0.10.2 and see if that fixes your problem.
Hi Sean! Thank you for looking into the issue and the insight into it! Yeah that actually fixed it 😄 Thank you as usual for your help
BTW @juanmp I switched to Chlorine partly because ProtoREPL seems to be unmaintained (and partly because I wanted a simpler toolchain without nREPL etc).
Thank you @seancorfield 😄 I’ll check it out