
drcode 2018-01-31T04:18:06.000169Z

@dominicm I should also point out that you could have a separate state object for each client if you want by just attaching it to the environment where all the child parsers will have access to it (but I'm not sure I'd recommend it, just having a unique ID for each client and storing the data for all the clients in a single place is what I'd advocate for)

dominicm 2018-01-31T08:38:02.000353Z

@drcode I was thinking more in terms of "api client" e.g. a platform, which hosts several services.

drcode 2018-01-31T14:52:59.000058Z

@dominicm OK, I can see how the current design could get in the way of maintaining multiple independent services on the server from the same java process... I'll spend some time thinking about that. I guess the question is how many people now rely on dockerization & microservices, which usually leads to a pattern where different services use use their own java processes.

dominicm 2018-01-31T14:55:58.000581Z

@drcode The trade-offs for microservices have not been suitable for us at all, so we've not gone anywhere near them. The state management in qlkit/clj is very different to how I see state managed in other libraries. Usually I'd expect to be given a map/record/type/object back, and be told "call me with this whenever you need something".

drcode 2018-01-31T14:57:33.000184Z

@dominicm Are you also comparing this to state management in OmNext? What qlkit does isn't that different from OmNext.

drcode 2018-01-31T14:57:54.000530Z

(just trying to understand the issue better)

dominicm 2018-01-31T14:57:58.000101Z

@drcode No, not to OmNext. Comparing it to things like database connections, or web servers.

dominicm 2018-01-31T14:58:29.000026Z

I think what qlkit does is conventional in clojurescript (and I can't decide if that is a good thing!), but unconventional for clojure/jvm.

drcode 2018-01-31T15:01:06.000443Z

@dominicm OK, I think maybe the confusion is that parsers on the server are passed a "state" argument- You are completely free to ignore that argument (in fact, it will be nil if you don't explicitly set the state during mount) and then what I would do is attach links to the database and stuff in the root component into the environment via (parse-children query-term (assoc env :database DATABASEACCESSOBJECT)) so that all the children can access the database by pulling it from the environment. (and different parsers can hit different databases)

drcode 2018-01-31T15:02:05.000045Z

The "state" argument on server parsers exists mostly to have symmetry between client and server parsing

dominicm 2018-01-31T15:11:59.000461Z

@drcode: No, it's more that these lines happen top level: https://github.com/forward-blockchain/qlkit-todo-demo-raw/blob/master/src/qlkit_todo/server.clj#L13-L14 and therefore they must be having a side-effect somewhere (e.g. updating an atom — https://github.com/forward-blockchain/qlkit/blob/master/src/qlkit/core.cljc#L209). The state in that atom might be not be suited to being a global singleton, e.g. in the case of a multi-tenanted application. It also makes more difficult running parallel tests, as they will mutate the state of that atom. There are tools like eftest which encourage the use of parallel tests to massively speed up test runs, but even for the common case of running tests in the same JVM as your main application it's a useful property.

drcode 2018-01-31T15:21:06.000826Z

Agreed, having that global mount can constrain some complex use cases, which we did as a trade-off that makes easy use cases easier. I understand the concern, we may change that approach if more folks run into issues with it. Keep in mind though that best practice is to use query terms with namespaced keywords so you can have a query term like [foo.bar.todo/delete! {...}] and so it's not really that restrictive to have a single global read and mutate parser, since you can compose a global parser from multiple specific parsers through composition, as keyword name clashes are not an issue.

dominicm 2018-01-31T15:26:28.000260Z

Yeah, I think that covers multi-tenanting fairly well, unless someone chooses names poorly 🙂. Not as useful for the tests though, a great reason to want to change read/mutate is for testing. We often mock our state out (e.g. in-memory datomic) in order to make testing easier. I could see a need to mock these out to hard-coded values for certain unit tests.

drcode 2018-01-31T15:27:30.000584Z

So in our own unit tests we just re-`mount` at the beginning of every test (though that of course will fail if you parallelize your tests)

dominicm 2018-01-31T15:28:48.000430Z

Ah, makes sense that you're using mount with this. That is more favourable to global singletons. With component qlkit's approach would be an unnatural fit. I completely misread what you said 😂

dominicm 2018-01-31T15:30:37.001062Z

@drcode A pattern I do a lot is to run the tests inside my already running repl, which is already running my dev system. So the tests would end up clobbering the state set by my dev system, which would cause problems I suspect.

drcode 2018-01-31T15:32:18.000284Z

The main challenge is that complex parsers involve a lot of recursion, and therefore we had to decide "does the parent pass the parsing function context info to the children, or are those a global singleton?" The first approach is what you want (and essentially what OmNext does, by the way) but the second is easier to read and has less busy work.

drcode 2018-01-31T15:32:42.000121Z

I'll definitely think about this- Maybe we can find a "third way" that keeps the best of both approaches

dominicm 2018-01-31T15:34:27.000426Z

If qlkit never does parsing in a parallel way, then a thread-local dynamic var would work as a medium, where the top-level does:

(binding [*state* passed-param]
  (parse …))
I accept that top-level vars are certainly more convenient than passing around parameters in this way though.

drcode 2018-01-31T15:47:34.000428Z

I entered an issue for this: https://github.com/forward-blockchain/qlkit/issues/4

drcode 2018-01-31T15:48:26.000964Z

When I have time to experiment with the best api for this I'll try to support this