

Anybody have anything to report? I've just been sketching.

RollACaster 2019-03-03T10:32:08.004700Z

I tried some cljs to share my sketches easier, more will follow soon 🙂 https://github.com/rollacaster/sketches


Hmmm. This has me thinking about cljs again. I once made a bunch of animation for a friend of mine's cat (see https://ericcervin.github.io/ ). I did that in P5.js and part of the idea was that my friend would be able to read the code and learn from it. I don't know if she could do that with the cljs. Is there a way to export human readable code from Clojurescript?

RollACaster 2019-03-04T05:37:18.005300Z

You can generate Source Maps so you can inspect/debug your cljs code in the Browser (https://clojurescript.org/reference/source-maps)




At the last Clojure NYC meetup, someone told me about a gent named Tyler Hobbs. No idea how I should embed this video: https://youtu.be/5R9eywArFTE