Over in #cider they explained to me that many Quil errors are being printed out in the repl because they're running on a background thread. That makes sense, I feel a little closer to having something else to Google now. Does anyone here have strategies for dealing with these background thread errors, or at least making them more prominent in your environment?
I'm using https://cljdoc.org/d/quil/quil/3.1.0/api/quil.middlewares.pause-on-error so that errors get printed on the canvas
or https://cljdoc.org/d/quil/quil/3.1.0/api/quil.middlewares.safe-fns
Thanks @thsojka, I started with pause-on-error as well. My two major problems with it were 1. Sometimes I couldn't get it to restart after fixing an error, and I had to restart the whole applet. 2. I have the problem described in https://github.com/quil/quil/issues/232, where the error message is cut off in the applet. There didn't seem to be a resolution in the issue.
I'll try out safe-fns and see it I have any more luck. I'd love to hear about more setups that people are using!
...I couldn't figure out safe-fns... The documentation isn't super clear on what exactly it does. How's it been helping you?