
EmmanuelOga 2020-11-26T02:37:35.256100Z

TDB is definitely RDF, it allows adding arbitrary quads to the store but has the concept of "documents", documents are just triples that follow a schema which is based on OWL with closed world semantics

EmmanuelOga 2020-11-26T02:44:38.261800Z

I may be wrong about this, but I don't think SPARQL has a RDF serialization? Or at the very least is not defined in terms of triples itself right? Their query language (WOQL) is defined in RDF itself so it can be easier to compose because you don't necessarily need to parse it and massage the AST to come up with a different query, or run string interpolation, or rely on a SPARQL library to bind input values of a query or that sort of thing.


Well there is SPIN SPARQL syntax… Which lets you write SPARQL queries as RDF data: https://spinrdf.org/sp.html


Which seems to be exactly what you’re asking for; though it’s a W3C member submission so not a formal standard. I think it’s a pretty comprehensive and solid translation of SPARQL though.


Personally though I think I’d prefer my query representation to be in a native language data structure; rather than a graph of triples.

EmmanuelOga 2020-11-26T22:35:50.264900Z

RDF is language neutral which is a plus for me

EmmanuelOga 2020-11-26T22:37:03.265100Z

Although yeah sometimes it can feel like a lower common denominator

EmmanuelOga 2020-11-26T02:45:01.262100Z

In theory all you need to build queries is to send a bunch of triples... I have been using their client libraries so far though so I don't have a lot of experience building queries manually yet. I did enjoy the dynamic of building queries directly in JavaScript, normally I would build a SPARQL query as a string an then bind some variables to my input values with a library like RDF4J or rdflib.

EmmanuelOga 2020-11-26T02:45:57.262700Z

There's a discord community if you guys feel like checking it out https://discord.gg/Gvdqw97

quoll 2020-11-26T06:15:10.264Z

That’s correct… the only serialization for SPARQL was as a string

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