
EmmanuelOga 2021-01-24T09:24:57.000900Z

more quadstore experiments: https://twitter.com/EmmanuelOga/status/1353265056381767681

EmmanuelOga 2021-01-24T09:27:15.002500Z

The query API is not that bad.. it is just a bunch of methods filter and props. With this source triples:

  rdf:type schema:Person;
  schema:name "Emmanuel Oga";
  schema:familyName "Oga";
  schema:givenName "Emmanuel";
  schema:jobTitle "Software Engineer";
  schema:knowsLanguage "en-US", "es-ES".
I can find my name like this:
val name = qs.filter(s = ":me").props("schema:name") // -> returns "Emmanuel Oga"

EmmanuelOga 2021-01-24T09:27:44.002900Z

very basic