> (rf/reg-sub :test (fn [db _] :hello))
#object[TypeError TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined]
re-frame.registrar/register-handler (resources/public/js/compiled-test-nodejs/out/re_frame/registrar.cljc:67:3)
Function.re_frame.subs.reg_sub.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic (resources/public/js/compiled-test-nodejs/out/re_frame/subs.cljc:183:6)
Function.f (resources/public/js/compiled-test-nodejs/out/re_frame/subs.cljc:149:1)
Function.re_frame.core.reg_sub.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic (resources/public/js/compiled-test-nodejs/out/re_frame/core.cljc:189:4)
re_frame$core$reg_sub (resources/public/js/compiled-test-nodejs/out/re_frame/core.cljc:58:1)
Any idea why figwheel-main + lein + nodejs + re-frame doesn't want to cooperate with me? I can't say I understand what the stacktrace is trying to tell me.#object[TypeError TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined]
re-frame.registrar/register-handler (resources/public/js/compiled-test-nodejs/out/re_frame/registrar.cljc:67:3)
Seems to be the important bit
What’s line 67 of registrar.cljc?
What version of re-frame are you using?
(defn register-handler
[kind id handler-fn]
(when debug-enabled? ;; This is in a separate when so Closure DCE can run
(when (and (not (settings/loaded?)) (get-handler kind id false))
(console :warn "re-frame: overwriting" (str kind) "handler for:" id))) ;; allow it, but warn. Happens on figwheel reloads.
(swap! kind->id->handler assoc-in [kind id] handler-fn)
handler-fn) ;; note: returns the just registered handler
Bumped re-frame to 1.1.1 and that did it! 👏 Thank you. I was stuck on this for days. How did you go from registrar.cljc
to suspecting the re-frame version? Seems like a big leap.
I looked at the code on GitHub and there’s no line 67 in the latest lol
Didn’t know what was wrong but figured we would need to see what changed to figure it out. Glad upgrading just worked