p-himik 2021-03-08T00:22:31.132700Z

Depends on specifics. If A, B, and C just happen once and that's it, then


There is also (although I've not used it)

aaron51 2021-03-08T06:54:51.133300Z

Yes, it’s a one-time boot sequence. Thank you for the links 👍


I just had a weird bug, and even though it's fixed, I don't understand what's going on: The bug was that I had written an event handler with reg-event-fx, and only returned a :dispatch key, no :db. The thing is: it worked fine, so I guess I tried it and found that it's not necessary to type the extra :db a few times. But now I registered a global event handler, and suddenly things were going wrong, since the effects db was nil. I suppose there's a mechanism that copies the db if the effects db isnt there at the end of the chain? Is that something well known?

p-himik 2021-03-08T11:28:21.137600Z

It is well known: Why it wasn't working with a global interceptor depends on what exactly was going on in that interceptor.


Ah yeah, thanks. As always, reading the docs better would have solved it 🙂

😉 1
afleck 2021-03-08T15:55:22.142400Z

I’m running into an Eval timed out! error message when trying to sub some but not all of my subscriptions. Seems to be the ones with a lot of data, also seems to be associated with the error (which appears in nrepl buffer) WARN - Max payload length 4m, get: 4322857 , which i think is a websocket-related warning? Kind of stumped by this one. I’ve tried the easy stuff like lein clean and restart repl, but no luck. This started happening recently too…

p-himik 2021-03-08T15:58:22.142600Z

Where exactly do you get that error? In a browser JS console?

afleck 2021-03-08T15:59:26.142800Z

no, when I try to run the same subscription in the connected figwheel repl. Sorry, I should have mentioned that. The subs appear to work fine in the actual application, that is the functionality that relies on the subs works.

afleck 2021-03-08T16:03:01.143Z

After doing a quick profile in chrome devtools, it indeed seems like there is an extremely large amount of pprint thrash

afleck 2021-03-08T16:03:18.143200Z

and related functions, write-out etc

afleck 2021-03-08T16:04:35.143400Z

ahah, yes, if I wrap the sub call in e.g. type, works fine. So definitely seems to be a printing issue

p-himik 2021-03-08T16:07:29.143600Z

Yep, has nothing to do with re-frame. :)

afleck 2021-03-08T16:08:13.143800Z

thanks for letting me sound it out here, will head elsewhere