hm force update is pretty useful metric
this one also useful
dunno how to do a tree, if you have any ideas would be great
Hi :spock-hand:
Is there any good practices about components local state managing? Is it ok to pass ratom
into event and then in callback event effect clean it:see_no_evil:
(rf/reg-event-fx :event
(fn [_ [_ state id]]
{:mutate [... id [:on-success state] [:on-error state]]}))
(rf/reg-fx ::reset-input #(reset! % nil))
(rf/reg-event-fx :on-success
(fn [_ [_ state result]]
:reset-input state}))
(defn component [id]
(r/with-let [state (r/atom nil)]
(let [{:keys [loading? value visible?]} @state
on-submit #(rf/dispatch [:event state id])]
... [:input {:value value}] ... [:button {:on-click on-submit}])))
Keep such local state in app-db
feels bad - than i need to make sure that it was cleaned.
And pass callback into event feels bad, to call it above re-frame
dsl.Passing a callback would IMO be better.
In that case, there would be a more generic :call
effect instead of the :mutate
Alternatively, just don't use re-frame at all for such a component. Just treat it as if you were using pure Reagent.
The alternative looks especially apt given that :event
seems to know a lot about state
Ah, I see, why it was only event option as :on-success
- under the hood of :mutate
we use re-graph
which uses events as callbacks… And it is a bit intertwined with our app-db
for default error-handling…