Hi 👋 I'm running todomvc excample following the steps documented in the re-frame repository and I'm getting this error when loading the app in Chrome and Safari, am I doing anything wrong? Thanks
An error occurred when loading todomvc.core.js
ypeError: $jscomp.arrayFromIterable is not a function
at Function.memoizedFn [as isOnHashChangeSupported] (:8280/js/cljs-runtime/goog.memoize.memoize.js:36)
Hi guys, How do you handle uncaught errors in an event handler? Seems like React's error boundaries don't do the trick
From the FAQ: https://github.com/day8/re-frame/issues/231#issuecomment-249991378 I just listen for all uncaught errors and report them.
> https://github.com/day8/re-frame/blob/master/docs/FAQs/CatchingEventExceptions.md Ah, thanks. Ill have a read!