bastilla 2021-05-10T13:56:19.430500Z

Hi. Does anyone happen to know: Under what circumstances does :on-mouse-over #(rf/dispatch [::events/change-deep-in-app-db]) trigger all other components on a page to re-render, even though those other components subscribe to different locations in app-db? This is what I am struggling with right now. I tried to reproduce this with a tiny fresh project to spread to you, but I can't reproduce it. Due to this phenomenon now users would watch a movie in a page, move the mouse over some other areas and the video stops playing and resets. 😞 Is there a typical mistake / scenario where this behaviour gets triggered? (Sorry for being unable to provide snippets! But it's actually pretty straight forward. It's all @(rf/subscribe [::subs/deep-but-eventually-disjunct-area-in-app-db]) and events do likewise.)

bastilla 2021-05-11T12:25:16.439700Z

I think, I can assure neither :key nor the hiccup gets altered. But I had a fresh look at those sources you (@p-himik) mention. I think the problem is, I do de-reference the whole app-db later on. Via @rf-db/app-db. The app is highly dynamic and needs to read (not write) objects pointed to by other objects. And since I do not always have access to db via subscription I access app-db via @rf-db/app-db. And according to, de-referencing (@) is problematic in terms of triggering unwanted re-rendering. (Check 8th post from top.) So (in my endless drive to go full retard) I thought about make my center subscription return the whole db, which then can be dynamically inspected for objects (pointed to by other objects). Like this:

(re-frame/reg-sub ::current-route
 (fn [db]
   (let [current-route (get-in db [:data :user-status :current-route])]
     [current-route db]))) ;; <--- Check last var
Question: Is this as foolish as it looks? Or could it be a way to randomly read the db without de-referencing (@) it later on?

p-himik 2021-05-11T12:50:55.440400Z

Oh, yeah, just dereferencing something will definitely lead to a re-rendering as well. Also, don't use app-db directly - not only it leads to issues such as you describe, it's also a private API. > I do not always have access to db via subscription What does this mean, exactly? What prevents you from just adding a new subscription - one that, as you put it, dynamically inspects app-db for whatever objects?

bastilla 2021-05-11T13:03:50.440600Z

I meant, as far as I understand the subscription signature, I cannot add an extra (random) param in order to query specific areas of app-db. That's where subscriptions seem to be limited: Just query pre-defined areas such as [:usr-data :images :logo :status], etc... But since my customers define their data themselves, there are areas in app-db that are blank to the application. (The app's knowledge ends at category level, e.g. [:data :objects].) And since I need to dynamically read objects outside subscriptions (which just points to pre-defined areas, AFAIK), I turned to directly reading @rf-db/app-db -- A no-no as you tell me. Everything could be solved, could I just return db from that initial subscription (see my snippet above). This certainly feels like overkill. But I don't know how else to solve that "dynamic/unknown areas" read demand.

p-himik 2021-05-11T13:16:07.440800Z

> I cannot add an extra (random) param in order to query specific areas of app-db Eh?

(reg-sub :my-sub
  (fn [db [_sub-id & path-in-db]]
    (get-in db path-in-db)))

p-himik 2021-05-11T13:16:32.441Z

That's exactly what that FAQ entry warns about, but it doesn't say you can't do it.

p-himik 2021-05-11T13:17:16.441200Z

If you know the path in advance - write it in a sub. If you don't know the path in advance - feed it to the sub. And you use the above sub as (subscribe [:my-sub :path :in :db]).

🙌 1
bastilla 2021-05-11T13:27:30.441400Z

This is new information to me. (And I still need to deeply ponder what you're writing here.) You are refering At first glance I can't find that topic. But thanks! I have plenty of stuff to chew on now.

p-himik 2021-05-11T14:08:22.451Z

Oh, sorry - someone else linked that entry and I thought that was you because the topic is fundamentally the same. Here it is:

p-himik 2021-05-11T14:09:19.451300Z

To expand on what I've written - both subs and events are parameterized. You decide what to put in those parameters, be it some values, specific path components in app-db, some callback functions, DOM elements (although don't do this).


Do all rerendered components use Layer 2 subscriptions?

bastilla 2021-05-12T16:50:44.454100Z

@jahson thanks for chiming in, and good question. I'll go through all view fns again and do one proper style that's uniform across all views. (Just to be sure should this come up again.) The reason behind all this was exactly that de-referencing of app-db at a later point (-- ALL views did that eventually). And as @p-himik pointed out, I should avoid private APIs. So that did the trick. I did some re-structuring of code which is way cleaner now. Also I reduced the returning of the whole app-db (in order to inspect) to only dicisive fractions of app-db (which is a subscription of is own now, as it should be.) The original sin of mine is certainly that I want to use re-frame in a way it's not build to be used. The technique @p-himik showed above (`(subscribe [:my-sub :path :in :db])`) will certainly help to go beyond this. Cheers & thanks again to you guys!

👍 2
p-himik 2021-05-10T14:00:11.430600Z

It may be the fact that you're using #(...) within the view function. Each call to the very same #(...) returns a new object.

p-himik 2021-05-10T14:01:00.430800Z

By "the view function" I mean the view that gets re-rendered - not the one that dispatches the event.

bastilla 2021-05-10T14:06:42.431Z

Yes, I am using:

[:img {:src src
           :on-mouse-over #(rf/dispatch [::events/swap-logo :highlighted])
           :on-mouse-out #(rf/dispatch [::events/swap-logo :normal])}]
which triggers other (disjunct) areas on that page to re-render. But then how might this be incorrect? I mean, how to circumvent? (Sorry, I don't want you (or anyone else) to solve my problems. But maybe a thought can already bring me out of my dead end here.)

p-himik 2021-05-10T14:08:35.431200Z

You can use a form-2 component or reagent.core/with-let for that. But to reiterate - that :video and other areas on the page should be changed, not this :img.

p-himik 2021-05-10T14:09:03.431400Z

Also, IIRC re-frame-10x has some built-in tracing that might give you an idea what exactly causes a re-render.

bastilla 2021-05-10T14:11:58.431600Z

Okay, Merci! I'll have a look into with-let and will rewrite into a form-2. Thanks @p-himik !!!

👍 1
bastilla 2021-05-10T15:37:14.431900Z

As a final post. All this jazz doesn't fly, but I admittedly do have a somewhat dynamic/complex web view. Alas the triggering snippet (now in form-2)...

(defn logo []
  (let [logo (rf/subscribe [::subs/logo])]
    (fn []
      (let [logo @logo
            src (case logo
                :normal "/img/logo/logo.jpg"
                :highlighted "/img/logo/logo2_1.png"
        [:img {
               :src src
               :on-mouse-over #(rf/dispatch [::events/swap-logo :highlighted])
               :on-mouse-out #(rf/dispatch [::events/swap-logo :normal])}]))))
...does still trigger a -re-render to the totally passive video component which is in form-2 as well now:
(defn common-sub-page []
  (reagent/with-let [current-route (re-frame/subscribe [::subs/current-route])]
    (fn []
      (when-let [current-route @current-route]
        (let [log (println (str "current-route: " current-route))
Moving the mouse makes this print like crazy. And re-frisk tells me, the only event triggered is: swap-logo ...which has two tries, one as fx event, the other as db event:
 (fn [coeffects event]
   (let [db (:db coeffects)
         status (second event)]
     {:db (assoc-in db [:site-status :logo] status)})))

 (fn [db]
   (let [status (-> db :site-status :logo)
         status (case status
                  :normal :highlighted
                  :highlighted :normal
     (assoc-in db [:site-status :logo] status))))
I guess this has to wait. I just hope, I don't need a complete rewrite. Cheers,

p-himik 2021-05-10T16:30:36.432100Z

How is ::subs/current-route implemented?

bastilla 2021-05-10T17:51:57.432400Z

Sub is

 (fn [db]
   (get-in db [:data :user-status :current-route])))
which is set via
(re-frame/reg-event-db ::navigated
	(fn [db [_ new-match]]
		(let [old-match (a/get-current-route db)
					controllers (rfc/apply-controllers (:controllers old-match) new-match)]
			(a/set-current-route db (assoc new-match :controllers controllers)))))
and last snippet is
(defn set-current-route [db new-match]
	(assoc-in db [:data :user-status :current-route] new-match))
This is really old code. Maybe I should check all that again, but my government (aka girlfriend) calls for dinner. But I'll check this asap.

p-himik 2021-05-10T17:57:26.432600Z

There is a very low chance of that code doing something wrong. But I just noticed that you didn't post the full code for common-sub-page, and that's the most important thing here. When a view gets re-rendered, it's almost certainly because of something going on within that particular view.

bastilla 2021-05-10T18:31:14.432800Z

hm, alright. Sounds reasonable; and I'll have a look at it tomorrow morning, plus will post that missing snippet. In any case, a million thanks for checking my code and your precious time. I really appreciate your input, and the support really energizes and makes me feel less miserable, 🙂 .

bastilla 2021-05-10T18:34:38.433Z

PS: Here is the whole fn . I did comment out a lot of code in search for the reason behind all this behavior.

(defn common-sub-page []
  (reagent/with-let [current-route (re-frame/subscribe [::subs/current-route])]
    (fn []
      (when-let [current-route @current-route]
        (let [l (println (str "current-route: " current-route))
            sitemap-branch (a/get-sitemap-branch current-route nil)
      ;; sitemap-branch @(re-frame/subscribe [::subs/sitemap-branch])
            {:keys [component-key objects styles layout]} (get-sitemap-path-attrs sitemap-branch)
          ;; missing-objects (f/filter-missing-objs objects)
      ;; (if missing-objects
      ;;   (f/fetch-missing-objs missing-objects)
        (let [layout-panel (get-layout :layout-panel layout)
              html-id (:id layout)
              ids (conj component-key :layout-panel)
              sitemap-info (create-map ids sitemap-branch objects styles layout)]
          ;; (fn []
          (if layout-panel
            (if html-id
              [:span {:id html-id}
               [layout-panel sitemap-info]]
              [layout-panel sitemap-info])
            [:div "layout undefined"])))))))
              ;;  ))
              ;; )

bastilla 2021-05-10T18:36:39.433300Z

PPS: Everything behind (a/...) is just accessing app-db.

p-himik 2021-05-10T18:39:07.433500Z

Sure, no problem. Hmm, still unclear. E.g. I don't know what get-layout or create-map or get-sitemap-path-attrs are. A hint - for a component to not be re-rendered, the returned Hiccup must be = to the previous value. (BTW I'm not an expert here, so take all my advice with a grain of salt) So if anything in that Hiccup is different (often caused by creating a function or a JS object in the view function), it will be re-rendered. Another reason why something is re-rendered is when its :key is changed.

Ronny Li 2021-05-10T23:12:00.435200Z

Hi everyone, I'm sure this question gets asked all the time but if I want to dispatch multiple events from a reg-event-fx do I simply provide a vector of vectors?

{:dispatch [[:event-1 nil] [:event-2 some-data]}

p-himik 2021-05-10T23:13:09.435300Z

:fx or :dispatch-n, it's in the documentation.

🙏 1
Richie 2021-05-10T23:18:27.436300Z

Hey. Why do I get the same result from both of these calls? The order of the interceptors is reversed between the two examples.

  [(re-frame.std-interceptors/db-handler->interceptor #(assoc % :th 1))
   (re-frame.std-interceptors/path :p :a)]))
;; returns
;; {:db {:p {:a {:th 1}}}}
;; expected
;; {:db {:th 1}}

  [(re-frame.std-interceptors/path :p :a)
   (re-frame.std-interceptors/db-handler->interceptor #(assoc % :th 1))]))
;; also returns
;; {:db {:p {:a {:th 1}}}}

p-himik 2021-05-11T10:23:55.439400Z

Indeed that's what happens. But then :after of path puts in under that path.

Richie 2021-05-11T17:22:14.451700Z

Ok, I think I have a better understanding now. I think what I was missing is that db-handler->interceptor writes the :coeffect :db into :effect :db. So, when I have interceptor chain where the handler precedes path then the path :before indexes nothing out of :coeffect :db and then the path :after grafts the :effect :db onto :effect :db.

Richie 2021-05-11T17:23:43.451900Z

This code produces the result I originally expected to see for that example.

  [ (re-frame/->interceptor :id :add-thing
                            :before #(assoc-in % [:coeffects :db :th] 1)
                            :after identity)
   (re-frame.std-interceptors/path :p :a)
   (re-frame.std-interceptors/db-handler->interceptor identity)]))
;; {:db {:th 1, :p {:a nil}}}

Richie 2021-05-11T17:25:55.452600Z

Thanks for the help. I’m glad to have a better understanding. Now I’ll think about what is the problem I’m actually trying to solve.

👍 1
p-himik 2021-05-10T23:29:10.436600Z

Because you're using the private API incorrectly.

p-himik 2021-05-10T23:29:31.436800Z

What is exactly the problem you're trying to solve?

p-himik 2021-05-10T23:33:06.437Z

(Private API is everything that's not in re-frame.core)