I was looking here: https://github.com/day8/re-frame-10x/blob/master/src/day8/re_frame_10x/components/cljs_devtools.cljs
Use of undeclared Var day8.re-frame-10x.view.components/simple-render
Thanks for pointing that out though. I didn’t know.
Oh I have 1.0.2 as a dependency right now.
Hey. I explored the idea of folding events into app state and recorded it here: https://gist.github.com/rgkirch/83428bec5a68f23f76ba9366fdf4c21a
Thanks for helping me with re-frame! It’s fun.
hi, I am trying to run the tests according to the documentation in CONTRIBUTING.md
but lein test-once
does not work.
How do you know?
I tried to run it and I got this output:
➜ re-frame git:(master) ✗ lein test-once
'test-once' is not a task. See 'lein help'.
Apologies the documentation is out of date. Its either lein ci
for karma-based run-once test or lein watch
for auto-compile/auto-reload browser test ui. I have updated CONTRIBUTING.md
Thank you