Just getting round to this for the first time: https://crank.js.org/blog/introducing-crank interesting stuff & good explanation of suspense & the problems related to it with caches.
there was some good discussion on hacker news and reddit about it
personally I think the author misses a bit of the point of concurrent mode, but it’s really neat to see different strategies used to solve the component problem and how they play out
here’s my response to the author: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22904784
be warned: 80% the HN discussion is not very constructive 😂
here’s dan abramov’s response on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/g1zj87/crankjs_an_alternative_to_reactjs_with_built_in/fnkkgg3/
Do we have a good FSM / statecharts lib in ClojureScript ? Like xState?
not to my knowledge. I’ve been wanting to play with xstate in CLJS
I think there’s a lot of work there that a sole developer can’t really support, which is how many CLJ(S) libs work
We just need to decompose the problem I guess :)
I’ve coded a bunch of FSM stuff 10 times already, always a bastardized version of statecharts to avoid the various downsides. Good to know that now the JS community has explored the space.
Abramov's comment is interesting, and the pre rendering on hover is by far the best suggestion I've seen for concurrent mode.