
"mulling over state management stuff"
dominicm 2020-11-18T10:51:16.010400Z

The new react error boundary makes devcards fail spectacularly. I'm tempted to fork it and create an error boundary at each point… That seems wrong though?

lilactown 2020-11-18T17:25:43.012200Z

I think dev cards is pretty much “done” from the authors perspective but being able to inline hooks, have error boundaries at each card, etc seems good

dominicm 2020-11-18T17:37:23.012300Z

I wonder what the useful set of features are for such a tool. Seems like storybook is now "best in class", so starting there?

dominicm 2020-11-18T17:37:38.012400Z

I'd love to know how they manage to support so many libs

lilactown 2020-11-18T18:35:09.013100Z

Storybook covers a lot of the same functionality yeah

lilactown 2020-11-18T18:37:03.014600Z

I think it’s a matter of hours spent lol

lilactown 2020-11-18T18:37:38.015600Z

Storybook is less a library and more an app that you build with some of your code included. I guess similar to dev cards in that regard

lilactown 2020-11-18T18:37:55.016Z

It has its own build tool chain though

lilactown 2020-11-18T18:39:20.018200Z

Storybook doesn’t exactly cover testing, and it’s a PITA even for regular JS projects sometimes because you have to configure both the storybook build and your own builds to work with whatever compile-time transforms, shims, etc. are necessary for your code

lilactown 2020-11-18T18:43:37.019700Z

What I often wish for for REPL purposes is a way to quickly evaluate a component that will open a new window with controls over state, props

lilactown 2020-11-18T18:44:03.020300Z

But it’s a PITA with including necessary CSS and other things