
"mulling over state management stuff"
dominicm 2020-11-19T12:49:30.022Z

Yeah the whole build chain part seems really fiddly. Having something that hoovers up from around your clojurescript build seems worth copying. I'd love a way to show the source of a card too, but you lose comments and other useful things.

dominicm 2020-11-19T12:50:22.023300Z

I wonder how hard it would be to get something really basic up and running that just injects itself into the page and shows links to display cards.

orestis 2020-11-19T20:26:06.024900Z

I did something dev cards like because the latest dev cards was not compatible with shadow cljs IIRC... but I threw it away ;)

orestis 2020-11-19T20:27:56.027200Z

I only went to the step of showing the code and the result of the render via a macro. I think if you’re fancy you can hook up a Clojure code parser (eg. edamame?) to get the code directly from the file system ...

dominicm 2020-11-19T21:24:26.027300Z

You could probably read+string it from the right line number now I think about it...