
"mulling over state management stuff"
dominicm 2020-12-21T18:58:46.054500Z

lilactown 2020-12-21T20:09:17.055400Z

cue me writing a lib to handle server components in Clojure in 3... 2...

lilactown 2020-12-21T20:09:38.055800Z

(I'm going to wait for it to stabilize first lol)

lilactown 2020-12-21T20:10:22.056300Z

would be interesting to think about how to grow helix towards this, if it does make it into stable React

dominicm 2020-12-21T20:11:48.056900Z

Or even, how do you write this in clojure, if you do.

lilactown 2020-12-21T20:13:05.057400Z

it looks like there's a wire format they're using for the interactions between server and client components

lilactown 2020-12-21T20:13:32.057800Z

it looked a little like transit / hiccup tbh

lilactown 2020-12-21T20:14:29.058500Z

so you'd want what I've always wanted in Clojure, which is a React-compatible lib for doing SSR and server components

orestis 2020-12-21T20:52:24.059300Z

After 2 years of trying to skate where the puck will be with concurrent mode, I’m sitting this one out :)

lilactown 2020-12-21T20:55:16.061600Z

lol same. I will wait 🙂

orestis 2020-12-21T20:58:34.062900Z

I’ll still watch the video. The RFC makes some sense but I didn’t put much time into wrapping my head around it.

lilactown 2020-12-21T21:04:36.064500Z

I created a somewhat similar, very bad version of this at my last company. we SSR'd as much as possible, and then selectively loaded bundles that were present on the page and hydrated the front end for interactive bits

lilactown 2020-12-21T21:04:42.064700Z

we were using Reagent

lilactown 2020-12-21T21:05:53.065900Z

the server/client split was confusing because there were certain things that you couldn't do in a server-rendered component (like interactions), and to developers who weren't intimately familiar with the project it was hard to know whether something was server or client rendered

lilactown 2020-12-21T21:06:39.066600Z

we were executing in Node.js so there wasn't a CLJ/CLJS split there

lilactown 2020-12-21T21:07:36.067300Z

compared to that, the biggest unlock with this RFC is the fact that you can server render after initial page load

lilactown 2020-12-21T21:09:24.068800Z

it sucks that so much of the React ecosystem is founded around the idea that you're running Node.js on the server. if there were more general specs and wider development in other languages, it would be much nicer for polyglot organizations and compile-to-JS langs

dominicm 2020-12-21T23:01:32.069600Z

That last point is generally on my mind right now. Did I blink and JS won the language wars?