Would be curious to hear a bit more about how you’re implementing tooltips. I started with an API like (WithTooltip {:msg "abc"} (SomeComponent))
but had to use a wrapper element around SomeComponent
to get a ref
for tooltip positioning. This also complicated positioning when SomeComponent
had margins, confusing the positioning of the tooltip library I’ve been using. I think I’m now converging on something way more low level than the above but ultimately more flexible and explicit:
{:msg "My Tooltip"}
(fn [{:keys [set-ref! show! hide!] :as args}]
{:ref set-ref!
:on-mouse-enter show!
:on-mouse-leave hide!}
"Click here"))
This then internally uses a React fragment to not wrap the ButtonIcon
component again. Would be happy about feedback/tire-kicking/alternative ideas!