
"mulling over state management stuff"
martinklepsch 2021-03-27T10:43:45.046Z

I’m struggling to get rum to render a react-spring animated.div — does anyone have a snippet to share of what worked for them? Tried these two and probably some other variations:

(rs/animated.div {:style props :key idx} (Particle)))
(rum/adapt-class rs/animated.div {:style props :key idx} (Particle))

martinklepsch 2021-03-27T10:47:33.046700Z

GitHub code search is not bringing up a lot of usages 😄

martinklepsch 2021-03-27T10:57:17.047200Z

So actually this seems to work somewhat

(js/React.createElement rs/animated.div #js {:style props #_#_:key idx} (Particle))

martinklepsch 2021-03-27T11:33:21.047700Z

Problem I’m still having: it doesn’t animate at all haha :thinking_face:

martinklepsch 2021-03-27T11:56:00.048100Z

I figured it out! I had to interpolate the string value and didn’t do that!