
mattly 2015-09-25T16:52:56.000007Z

I seriously had to stop myself from writing yarr last night: Yet Another React wRapper

meow 2015-09-25T17:03:21.000008Z

@mattly: there are a bunch of 'em :simple_smile:

mattly 2015-09-25T17:03:43.000009Z

yeah, and they’re all opinionated in ways I disagree with :simple_smile:

mattly 2015-09-25T17:03:44.000010Z


meow 2015-09-25T17:04:11.000011Z

I don't think Rum gets enough attention. I haven't done anything beyond the trivial with it, but I like how minimal the code base is.

meow 2015-09-25T17:04:48.000012Z

@mattly: have you evaluated Rum?

mattly 2015-09-25T17:04:48.000013Z

Rum looks to be the best of them

meow 2015-09-25T17:06:43.000014Z

One of these days I'm going to do a Rum/Datascript app, just for the experience.

meow 2015-09-25T17:07:53.000015Z

And I'd like to do something with Hoplon. I don't know enough about Hoplon.

mattly 2015-09-25T17:20:23.000016Z

oh, right, one of the issues I have with Rum is that lifecycle callbacks don’t seem to have access to props