hello i need little bit clarification if someone could shed some light
so i created an app (react native) and i wanted to create view
that is aware of it's orientation. so i made
(defn view [& [props & children]]
(let [config (rf/subscribe [:app-config/all])]
(fn []
(let [{:keys [orientation]} @config]
(reduce (fn [base child]
(conj base child))
[:> rn/View (merge {:style {:flex 1
:flex-direction orientation}}
and it worked ok until i used it in this way
[:> rn/View {:style {:flex 1
:padding 10
:justify-content :space-around
:align-items :center
:background-color :red
[:> rn-elem/CheckBox {:center true
:title "BUY"
:checked-icon :dot-circle-o
:unchecked-icon :circle-o
:checked (= @action :buy)
:on-press #(reset! action :buy)
:checked-color :black}]
[:> rn/Text {:style {:font-weight :bold
:font-size 24
:color :black}} "OR"]
[:> rn-elem/CheckBox {:center true
:title "SELL"
:checked-icon :dot-circle-o
:unchecked-icon :circle-o
:checked (= @action :sell)
:on-press #(reset! action :sell)
:checked-color :black}]]]
is ratom defined in let fn before this
and the thing is that checkboxes didn't work
but when i used
(defn view [& [props & children]]
(let [config (rf/subscribe [:app-config/all])]
(reduce conj [:> rn/View (merge {:style {:flex 1
:flex-direction (:orientation @config)}}
everything works
Does anyone know why?
As soon as i return fn
in the view things start to break and i don't understand why