In reagent how can I pass the background key (with no value) in this jsx?
<RadialBar minAngle={15} label={{ fill: '#666', position: 'insideStart' }} background clockWise={true} dataKey='uv' />
{:background true}
What would be an idiomatic way to take the "latest" value from a list of reagent.core/atom
? I'm sort of looking for an equivalent of core.async/alts!
Hello. I'm trying to use hooks to get some buttons to appear over a table row on hover as in gmail. I've never used hooks before, at least not successfully, and I seem to be violating some rule(s) about their use. I'm trying to follow < JS sample (click '<>' for code)> .
(defn row-hover [{:keys [^js classes] :as props}
{:keys [id name url policy status ts] :as loc}]
(let [this-id (str "row-" id)
[anchor-el set-anchor-el] (react/use-state nil)
open (boolean anchor-el)
popover-id (str "popover-" this-id)]
[:> TableRow
{:hover true
:id this-id
:key this-id
:aria-owns #(if (open) popover-id js/undefined)
:aria-haspopup true
:on-mouse-enter #(set-anchor-el (-> % .-target))
:on-mouse-leave #(set-anchor-el nil)}
[:> TableCell [:> Link name]]
[:> TableCell [:> Link url]]
[:> TableCell policy]
(if (= :success (first status))
[:> TableCell {:align "center"
:style {:color "Green"}}
[:> Icon [:> icons/Check] ]]
[:> TableCell {:align "center"
:style {:color "Red"}}
[:> Icon
[:> Badge {:badgeContent (second status)
:color "error"}
[:> icons/Close]]]])
[:> TableCell (arco/time-since [ts])]
[:> Popover {:id popover-id
:class-name (.-popover classes)
:classes (.-tr classes)
:anchor-el anchor-el
:anchor-origin {:vertical "top"
:horizontal "right"}
:transform-origin {:vertical "top"
:horizontal "right"}
:on-close #(set-anchor-el nil)
:disable-restore-focus true}
[:> Grid {:container true}
[:> Tooltip {:title (str "Edit " name)}
[:> IconButton {:aria-label "edit"
:color "primary"
:class (.-avatar classes)
:on-click #(rf/dispatch
[::edit-location loc])}
[:> icons/Edit {:fontSize "small"}]]]
[:> Tooltip {:title (str "Delete " name)}
[::> IconButton {:aria-label "delete"
:color "primary"
:class (.-avatar classes)
:on-click #(rf/dispatch
[::delete-location loc])}
[:> icons/Delete]]]]]])))
Current build error is Uncaught Error: No item {} in vector of length 2
which I'd guess is complaining about the use-state
line in the let. Any pointers appreciated.I’m pretty sure you can’t use hooks within reagent components... but it doesn’t really matter because you can easily replace them with local ratoms..
You absolutely can use hooks with the latest Reagent - it's in the FAQ.
Not sure what you mean. Atoms store a single value with no timestamp attached. What do you mean by "latest"?
The objects I want to appear on hover are material ui react components. I see the sample provided in the hooks section but am unsure how to use these components.
Sorry, not in the FAQ - here:
@jasonhlogic What is react/use-state
? Shouldn't it be react/useState
that fixed the build error but still no render
Need more details - errors, stacktraces.
...gathering them...
Just post the topmost one. If there are multiple ones, chances are they're all caused by the first one.
When I reloaded the page, it revealed that the original error had not in fact gone away
Post the stacktrace.
Also, replace (open)
with open
Error rendering component (in reagent5)
FYI while the material-UI examples use hooks, they are not required. All they depend on is a value and a callback are passed in that change the value
reagent$impl$component$do_render component.cljs:147 res re_frame_10x.cljs:38 reagent$ratom$in_context ratom.cljs:42 reagent$ratom$deref_capture ratom.cljs:55 reagent$ratom$run_in_reaction ratom.cljs:537 day8$re_frame_10x$mp_render re_frame_10x.cljs:38 React 8 unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.development.js:654 React 6 reagent$impl$batching$run_queue batching.cljs:38 flush_render batching.cljs:87 flush_queues batching.cljs:97 run_queues batching.cljs:77 G__51013 batching.cljs:58 G__48907 re_frame_10x.cljs:90 (Async: FrameRequestCallback) next_tick re_frame_10x.cljs:88 schedule batching.cljs:58 reagent$impl$batching$schedule batching.cljs:124 reagent$ratom$rea_enqueue ratom.cljs:118 handlechange ratom.cljs:408 reagent$ratom$handle_reaction_change ratom.cljs:354 reagent$ratom$notify_w ratom.cljs:102 cljs$core$IReset$resetBANG_$arity$2 ratom.cljs:156 cljs$core$resetBANG_ core.cljs:864 cljs$core$reset_BANG_ core.cljs:4493 <anonymous> fx.cljc:185 re_frame$fx$do_fx_after fx.cljc:56 re_frame$interceptor$invoke_interceptor_fn interceptor.cljc:70 re_frame$interceptor$invoke_interceptors interceptor.cljc:108 re_frame$interceptor$execute interceptor.cljc:201 re_frame$events$handle events.cljc:65 re_frame$router$IEventQueue$process1st_event_in_queue$arity$1 router.cljc:179 re_frame$router$IEventQueue$runqueue$arity$1 router.cljc:198 vec__46269 router.cljc:146 re_frame$router$IEventQueue$fsmtrigger$arity$3 router.cljc:169 G__46260 router.cljc:187 onmessage nexttick.js:218 (Async: EventHandlerNonNull) getSetImmediateEmulator_ nexttick.js:213 nextTick nexttick.js:86 day8$re_frame_10x$inlined_deps$re_frame$v0v12v0$re_frame$router$IEventQueue$runnext_tick$arity$1 router.cljc:187 vec__46220 router.cljc:142 day8$re_frame_10x$inlined_deps$re_frame$v0v12v0$re_frame$router$IEventQueue$fsmtrigger$arity$3 router.cljc:169 day8$re_frame_10x$inlined_deps$re_frame$v0v12v0$re_frame$router$IEventQueue$push$arity$2 router.cljc:102 day8$re_frame_10x$inlined_deps$re_frame$v0v12v0$re_frame$router$dispatch router.cljc:247 day8$re_frame_10x$db$init_db db.cljs:27 day8$re_frame_10x$init_db_BANG_ re_frame_10x.cljs:219 <anonymous> preload.cljs:9 globalEval app.js:594 evalLoad app.js:1687 <anonymous>
there are more errors after that. should i paste those too?
Uncaught Error: No item {} in vector of length 2
cljs$core$vector_index_out_of_bounds core.cljs:5407
cljs$core$array_for core.cljs:5431
cljs$core$IIndexed$_nth$arity$2 core.cljs:5598
cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 core.cljs:5678
call core.cljs:5498
res component.cljs:108
reagent$impl$component$wrap_render reagent.impl.component.js:152
reagent$impl$component$do_render component.cljs:141
res re_frame_10x.cljs:38
reagent$ratom$in_context ratom.cljs:42
reagent$ratom$deref_capture ratom.cljs:55
reagent$ratom$run_in_reaction ratom.cljs:537
day8$re_frame_10x$mp_render re_frame_10x.cljs:38
React 11
unstable_runWithPriority scheduler.development.js:654
React 6
reagent$impl$batching$run_queue batching.cljs:38
flush_render batching.cljs:87
flush_queues batching.cljs:97
run_queues batching.cljs:77
G__51013 batching.cljs:58
G__48907 re_frame_10x.cljs:90
next_tick re_frame_10x.cljs:88
schedule batching.cljs:58
reagent$impl$batching$schedule batching.cljs:124
reagent$ratom$rea_enqueue ratom.cljs:118
_handle_change ratom.cljs:408
reagent$ratom$handle_reaction_change ratom.cljs:354
reagent$ratom$notify_w ratom.cljs:102
cljs$core$IReset$_reset_BANG_$arity$2 ratom.cljs:156
cljs$core$_reset_BANG_ core.cljs:864
cljs$core$reset_BANG_ core.cljs:4493
<anonymous> fx.cljc:185
re_frame$fx$do_fx_after fx.cljc:56
re_frame$interceptor$invoke_interceptor_fn interceptor.cljc:70
re_frame$interceptor$invoke_interceptors interceptor.cljc:108
re_frame$interceptor$execute interceptor.cljc:201
re_frame$events$handle events.cljc:65
re_frame$router$IEventQueue$_process_1st_event_in_queue$arity$1 router.cljc:179
re_frame$router$IEventQueue$_run_queue$arity$1 router.cljc:198
vec__46269 router.cljc:146
re_frame$router$IEventQueue$_fsm_trigger$arity$3 router.cljc:169
G__46260 router.cljc:187
onmessage nexttick.js:218
getSetImmediateEmulator_ nexttick.js:213
nextTick nexttick.js:86
day8$re_frame_10x$inlined_deps$re_frame$v0v12v0$re_frame$router$IEventQueue$_run_next_tick$arity$1 router.cljc:187
vec__46220 router.cljc:142
day8$re_frame_10x$inlined_deps$re_frame$v0v12v0$re_frame$router$IEventQueue$_fsm_trigger$arity$3 router.cljc:169
day8$re_frame_10x$inlined_deps$re_frame$v0v12v0$re_frame$router$IEventQueue$push$arity$2 router.cljc:102
day8$re_frame_10x$inlined_deps$re_frame$v0v12v0$re_frame$router$dispatch router.cljc:247
day8$re_frame_10x$db$init_db db.cljs:27
day8$re_frame_10x$init_db_BANG_ re_frame_10x.cljs:219
<anonymous> preload.cljs:9
globalEval app.js:594
evalLoad app.js:1687
not sure whether that's too much?
No need for the rest. The stacktrace is unclear - I would try to debug to understand what that 2-element vector is to try to figure out where its usage is incorrect. Because I don't see anything in your code that would result in that error.
Also, try to limit the scope - your code is not small enough to be debugged efficiently.
the only two-element vector i could see is the useState
return value in the let, which was what got me to post my original question
You are correct about scope. Front end code is much more sensitive to that than i am used to. I'm working on it :)
I don't think that's the right vector - you never get
from it anywhere. The destructuring is automatic and uses long indices, whereas your error is because of using a map as an index.
i found it. it was in the calling code. thanks for your help. You mentioned my code scoping. Can you point to any publicly visible samples which you think are correct?
I don't understand your question. Samples of what?
correctly scoped cljs
By "limit the scope" I meant reducing the scope within which you have to debug the error, nothing more. It's not CLJS specific in any way.
i was fishing for samples because i assume showing would be simpler than telling
When testing reagent component, do I have to always call reagent.core/flush
in order to trigger rerender?
I feel like I don't really need to care if component uses atom or not, I care about event being fired and expect some changes
(ns mydemo.counter-test
[cljs.test :refer [deftest testing is]]
[reagent.core :as r]
["@testing-library/react" :as rtl :refer [screen]]
[mydemo.counter :refer [counter]]))
(defn with-component [component body]
(let [container (js/document.createElement "div")
container (.appendChild (.-body js/document) container)
view (rtl/render
(r/as-element component)
#js {:container container
:baseElement container})]
(body view)
(.remove container)
(deftest counter-testing
(testing "should increase by 1 on button click"
(with-component [counter]
(fn [view]
(let [button (.getByRole view "button")
input (.getByRole view "textbox")]
(is (= "0" (.-value input)))
(.click rtl/fireEvent button)
(r/flush) <-------------------------------------- I have to call this one in order for the input value to change
(is (= "1" (.-value input))))))))