Hello everyone, has anyone used https://github.com/ukrbublik/react-awesome-query-builder#usage or similarly (complex?) React components? I can't seem to get field values to work, everything renders fine EXCEPT the drop-down list values, which is empty no matter what I do, there are no errors and I'm not sure where I've made a mistake. Can someone point me to some Reagent docs on how to create this type of React component properly or can anyone see an issue in the code / recommend another way of doing this? P.S. I'm just trying to get it to work, so the code is not re-factored / is a bit uglier than usual. I've also tried not casting everything to JS with identical results.
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
["react-awesome-query-builder" :refer (Query Builder BasicConfig Utils)]
["react-awesome-query-builder/lib/config/material" :default MaterialConfig])
(defn render-builder [^js props]
(r/create-element "div"
#js {:className "query-builder-container"}
(r/create-element "div"
#js {:className "query-builder"}
(r/create-element Builder props))))
(def test-fields
{:fields {:qty {:label "Qty"
:type "number"
:fieldSettings {:min 0}
:valueSources ["value"]
:preferWidgets ["number"]}}})
(def my-config
(let [conjunctions (.-conjunctions MaterialConfig)
operators (.-operators MaterialConfig)
widgets (.-widgets MaterialConfig)
types (.-types MaterialConfig)
settings (.-settings MaterialConfig)
fields (clj->js test-fields)]
{:conjunctions conjunctions
:operators operators
:widgets widgets
:types types
:settings settings
:fields fields}))
(def query-value (clj->js {:id (js-invoke Utils "uuid") :type "group"}))
;; Here I tried creating a Form-2 component, but nothing changed, I suspect I might be screwing up something in the state
(defn query-component [config]
(let [state (r/atom {:tree (js-invoke Utils "checkTree" (js-invoke Utils "loadTree" query-value) config)
:config config})]
(fn [config]
[:> Query {:conjunctions (:conjunctions config)
:operators (:operators config)
:widgets (:widgets config)
:types (:types config)
:settings (:settings config)
:fields (:fields config)
:value (:tree @state)
:render-builder render-builder
:on-change (fn [^js immutable-tree ^js config]
(reset! state {:tree immutable-tree :config config}))}])))
;; Example of calling/rendering the component functions
[query-component my-config]
Has anyone any experience with using Lottie in clojurescript and perhaps with reagent? Any quickstart guide for it?
The code below works for me just fine. Note that it has a lot of unnecessary JS<->CLJS data conversion, but that's only because I was lazy. I didn't really try to figure out what's wrong with your code because, as you said it yourself, it's not cleaned up. I could look into it if you create a proper MRE.
(ns clj-playground.react-awesome-query-builder
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent]
["react-awesome-query-builder" :refer [Query Builder BasicConfig Utils]]
["react-awesome-query-builder/lib/config/material" :default MaterialConfig]))
(def initial-config (assoc (js->clj MaterialConfig)
:fields {:qty {:label "Qty"
:type "number"
:fieldSettings {:min 0}
:valueSources ["value"]
:preferWidgets ["number"]}
:price {:label "Price"
:type "number"
:fieldSettings {:min 10, :max 100}
:valueSources ["value"]
:preferWidgets ["slider", "rangeslider"]}
:color {:label "Color"
:type "select"
:fieldSettings {:listValues [{:value "yellow", :title "Yellow"}
{:value "green", :title "Green"}
{:value "orange", :title "Orange"}]}
:valueSources ["value"]}
:is_promotion {:label "Promo?"
:type "boolean"
:operators ["equal"]
:valueSources ["value"]}}))
(def initial-query-value {:id (.uuid Utils)
:type "group"})
(defn render-builder [props]
[:div {:class :query-builder-container
:style {:padding 10}}
[:div {:class [:query-builder :qb-lite]}
[:> Builder (js->clj props)]]]))
(defn render-result [tree config]
(let [config (clj->js config)]
[:div {:class :query-builder-result}
[:div "Query string: " [:pre (js/JSON.stringify (.queryString Utils tree config))]]
[:div "MongoDb query: " [:pre (js/JSON.stringify (.mongodbFormat Utils tree config))]]
[:div "SQL where: " [:pre (js/JSON.stringify (.sqlFormat Utils tree config))]]
[:div "JsonLogic: " [:pre (js/JSON.stringify (.jsonLogicFormat Utils tree config))]]]))
(defn demo-query-builder []
(reagent/with-let [tree (reagent/atom (.checkTree Utils
(.loadTree Utils (clj->js initial-query-value))
(clj->js initial-config)))
config (reagent/atom initial-config)
on-change (fn [new-tree new-config]
(reset! tree new-tree)
(reset! config (js->clj new-config)))]
[:> Query (assoc @config
:value @tree
:on-change on-change
:render-builder render-builder)]
[render-result @tree @config]]))
^ that example is ported from usage directly, more or less.
As always thank you for your quick and helpful responses @p-himik! I will compare this code to mine and figure out the difference. Pardon my laziness with the example code, I'll be sure to spend more time creating easy-to-reproduce examples next time. 👍