Hello! I'm trying to use this react component https://medium.com/@isabellepino/package-for-react-carousel-31aac8b1f090
I've managed to import it via shadow-cljs, but when I actually use it. I get an error saying ypeError: Cannot call a class as a function
I'm calling it just as I've called other components.
[:img {:src "<https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1538163619p5/197852.jpg>"}]]]
Replace [Carousel
with [:> Carousel
and wrap [:div ...]
with reagent.core/as-element
(maybe the latter is not needed - you should check)
Has someone figured out how to make Material-UI TextAreaAutosize work with Reagent caret fix? Example project says FIXME what comes to that. https://github.com/reagent-project/reagent/blob/master/examples/material-ui/src/example/core.cljs#L46-L48 I thought I’d ask here before start digging into it myself..
I use uncontrolled input to get around this (ie set default-value instead of value in the component properties) , and then update the react key if I want to force rerender
Cool, thanks!