I want to pass an actual keyword as a prop to a react component
How about “:hello” and when you read it you just call keyword on that
I need to pass along namespaced keywords, so not that easy
(subs (str your-kw) 1) .. this handles namespaced kws too... then you can just call (keyword ..) on the string to have it back as it was
such that the keyword gets "passed through"
and create-element
both seem to have the property get stringified in some way
You have to encode the props yourself - Reagent doesn't touch JS objects.
converts the props to JS objects automatically, doing same conversion as Reagent does with DOM nodes, snake-case to camelCase, renaming some probs and keywords to strings. create-element
or :r>
pass the props object as is, but you should pass in JS object as the top-level props, but inside the object you can use whatever Cljs datastructures you want.
You can use regular JS objects with :>
as well, no? So e.g. #js {:a :b}
will make sure that the component receives :b
as a keyword.