quick question: how can I mark query parameter as deprecated in swagger?
I tried this:
{(ds/opt :include-legacy-information) (st/spec {:spec boolean? :description "Deprecated" :deprecated true})}
but this entry is not propagated to swagger.json…@vlaaad is there a deprecated
key in swagger?
you can anyway push any data to swagger definitions by namespacing them with swagger
, e.g. :swagger/deprecated true
yeah, just found it out browsing the code, thanks!
@ikitommi there is deprecated in swagger: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/describing-parameters/ (ctrl+f for deprecated)
ouch. deprecated is a swagger 3.0 feature, reitit supports 2.0
Whats the correct way to get the current uri on itial load? we want to have users routed to the page they were last on. do i just call match by path on (.. js/document -location -href )?