Anybody here use reitit in conjunction with shadow-cljs having issues with hot reloading? I’m struggling a bit
what kind of issues?
Anyone have examples are coercing an xml request with reitit?
(defn ^:dev/after-load start [] (routes/init!) (r/render [app/main] (.getElementById js/document "app")))
Routes/init! is a fn that calls reitit.frontend.easy/start!
This works for me with shadow-cljs
How do you specify a header with reitit swagger? For example, a bearer token header.
using security
and securityDefinitions
you can put it on arbitrary route like this:
{:get {:no-doc true
:swagger {:info {:title "App"}
:consumes content-types
:produces accept-types
:security [{:bearer []}]
:securityDefinitions {:bearer {:type "apiKey"
:in "header"
:name "Authorization"}}}
:handler (swagger/create-swagger-handler)}}]
where do you get routes from?
what ns?
I’m guessing user error. I can’t get the hot reloading to work properly
Ah, it worked ! Thanks
Cool, thanks!
Hi, I would to know how Reitit handle keywordize :form-params
values ?
Currently I have a string keyword when posting a form.