dharrigan 2020-05-13T07:48:27.392800Z

Nice! I think you're clear in the docs that if you want swagger-ui v2, then simply include the appropriate dependency. Others may like v3 πŸ™‚

ikitommi 2020-05-13T18:13:41.397500Z

looked into the Jackson issue with 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT - actually there are three different Jackson module versions, originating from Jsonista, Cheshire ja org.webjars/webjars-locator. The latter two are accidentally compatibe, before Cheshire makes a release, after which, all three are uncompatible πŸ’₯

ikitommi 2020-05-13T18:33:31.402100Z

Added direct dependecy to jackson-databind from metosin/reitit. To solve the JSON issues, you can either: 1. add a direct dependency metosin/jsonista as a first dependency 2. add metosin/reitit as first dependency should work, unless one has direct dependency to older version of Jackson. In case it’s easy to fix. ping @jstuartmilne

sudakatux 2020-05-13T18:49:09.402200Z

when you say added you mean in clojars right. so basically if i put [metosin/reitit "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT"] as a first dependency it should work?

ikitommi 2020-05-13T19:12:08.402400Z

I believe it should

ikitommi 2020-05-13T19:12:23.402600Z

tested with a sample project and seemed to work.

sudakatux 2020-05-13T19:18:19.402800Z

I based my project from luminus but there is quite a lot of stuff i dont need.

sudakatux 2020-05-13T19:18:32.403Z

So i did that and removed the webjars

sudakatux 2020-05-13T19:18:40.403300Z

which i was not using

sudakatux 2020-05-13T19:18:50.403500Z

and it worked πŸ™‚

sudakatux 2020-05-13T19:19:00.403700Z

Thank u verry much