andrewboltachev 2020-12-30T00:44:24.453300Z


andrewboltachev 2020-12-30T00:45:42.454Z

How do I unleran Reitit router to follow links like # (they are just actions on a page for me)?

andrewboltachev 2020-12-30T00:46:09.454500Z

Using even :ignore-anchor-click? (fn [router e el uri] true) didn't help — it's still following

andrewboltachev 2020-12-30T01:04:37.455Z

alright, this is 'cause of clicks to "#" causing popstate event

andrewboltachev 2020-12-30T01:05:07.455500Z

i.e. it's this:

:listen-key (gevents/listen js/window handler false)
event handler that fires

andrewboltachev 2020-12-30T02:13:47.455800Z

     (fn [router e el uri]
       ;; Add additional check on top of the default checks\
         (rfh/ignore-anchor-click? router e el uri)  
         (not (let [href (or (.-href el) "#")
                    result (clojure.string/includes? href "#")]
                (js/console.log "href" href)
                (when result    
                  (.preventDefault e)
                  (js/console.log "will prevent by href" href))

andrewboltachev 2020-12-30T02:13:55.456Z

ended up doing like this

jacekschae 2020-12-30T12:43:51.458200Z

Hi all in Reitit Channel. Wanted to let you know that course is ready. It’s around 9h of content and it’s still available in early access price. If video courses are something you enjoy check it out!

👍 4