Hi, I have this nested route,
{:name :project
:view #'project/project-view
[{:parameters {:path [:project]}
:start (fn [parameters]
(re-frame/dispatch [:update-displays-from-db (-> parameters :path :project)])
(prn "hello project")
(active-view :project-view)
:stop (fn [& params] (js/console.log "goodbye project"))}]}
{:name :display
:view #'display-form/edit-display-form
[{:parameters {:path [:display]}
:start (fn [parameters]
(re-frame/dispatch [:update-elements-from-db])
(prn "hello display")
(active-view :display-view)
:stop (fn [& params] (js/console.log "goodbye display"))}]}]
When I navigate backwards from "/project/displays/display" to
The :start controller doesn't run.
When I navigate forward - to "/project" or to "/project/displays/display", the :start controller runs without problem.
Any idea what could be the cause?Also a tip on how to match both "/something" and "/something/" as the same route?
Took the solution from this pull request https://github.com/metosin/reitit/pull/239
Thank you 🙏