Hello! I'm trying to use oauth2 lib https://github.com/weavejester/ring-oauth2 with reitit. But for some reason the uri-redirection (from oauth2) doesn't work. There is the following note in the lib: Please note, you should enable cookies to be sent with cross-site requests, in order to make the callback request handling work correctly, eg:
(wrap-defaults handler (-> site-defaults (assoc-in [:session :cookie-attrs :same-site] :lax)))
which I thought it was the main suspect.
After a long debug session I figured out that indeed, something went wrong with the session.
Did some search in google and found this https://github.com/metosin/reitit/issues/205
So, it seems that this is a reitit problem? I tried to apply any of the mentioned fixes but nothing worked.
I use a default middleware this way (from here https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring-defaults) :
(defn site-defaults-middlewares
(ring-mid-def/wrap-defaults handler (-> ring-mid-def/site-defaults
(assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery] false)
(assoc-in [:session :cookie-attrs :same-site] :lax))))
and I just have a github oauth2 middleware:
(defn github-oauth2-middleware
{:authorize-uri "<https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize>"
:access-token-uri "<https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token>"
:client-id "client-id"
:client-secret "secret"
:scopes ["user:email"]
:launch-uri "/oauth2/github"
:redirect-uri "/oauth2/github/callback"
:landing-uri "/welcome"}}))
finally my routers are define this way
[["/routes"..{:handler ...}......]]
{:data {:middleware [midlewares here....]})))
Sorry for the long post, thanks in advance