matheusashton 2021-04-30T02:07:58.201700Z

ok I was passing data on the wrong place

matheusashton 2021-04-30T02:08:09.202Z

now I just need a way to hot reload files


I have a question about reitit ... if I have routes defined like: /a /a/b Is it possible to arrange controller functions for :start and :stop in a sort of hierarchal fashion, so that :stop doesn't get called for /a unless I navigate entirely away from /a ?


I'm not sure if that's clear enough to make sense to someone reading it.


I'm wondering if that is basically possible with nested routes.


I wish I understood better how to interpret the "missing route" exception.


I think part of my problem is that I don't quite understand how push-state is to be used in the case of nested routes.


Every time I nest something beneath one my routes, the route above it becomes invalid.


My nested routes get collapsed into a single route ... hmm.

juhoteperi 2021-04-30T10:58:33.207100Z

["/a" {:controllers [a-controller]}
  ["" {:view :a-view}]
  ["/b" {:controllers [b-controller] :view :b-view}]]
This should work.


Yes, thank you - I just simultaneously figured that out (once I understood how to get reitit to tell me what the combined/collapsed routes were, it became obvious).


However, it looks like in my particular case, the controller behavior I had been hoping for doesn't really occur.


(I'm sure my case is weird and not what most people would want, anyway).




I see the difference between what I wrote and what you wrote.


I will try something slightly different.


Ok yes indeed that does work. My renderer is weird since the controllers themselves are what create the side effects that get rendered, so it breaks in a slightly different way with the "" route, but that's for me to fix, and should definitely be possible. Thank you for the nice concise example - it was very helpful @juhoteperi.

juhoteperi 2021-04-30T11:45:50.211500Z

Yeah. I usually use the route :view data to control what is rendered and controllers just trigger data loads and the side effects.

juhoteperi 2021-04-30T11:46:27.212200Z

Or instead of :view name, I could have the view function on the routes directly. Or a var to get better dev experience.

matheusashton 2021-04-30T15:17:09.215100Z

Hi! I want to use anything kinda ring.middleware.reload to avoid having to restart my server when I change something in the source code. Any ideas of how to do it with reitit?

Aaron Decker 2021-05-03T10:57:02.218600Z

In ring-router (, for your second argument, specify wrap-reload as a middleware:

   {:middleware [ring.middleware.reload/wrap-reload]}}

matheusashton 2021-05-04T14:47:59.220500Z

Wow, so it was just that, it worked, tks a lot

matheusashton 2021-05-04T14:48:26.220700Z

Sorry for the stupid question haha 😅