
A place to post minor releases of libraries and projects that you would not otherwise post in #announcements
dpsutton 2021-02-13T21:47:12.017700Z

Hi. Its not really a release as its just addressable as git coordinates right now, but i wanted some feedback if this was a general thing people might want. If you ever have a sequence operation that ends with (->> ... (sort-by f) (take N)) you pay the price to realize the entire collection. sorting kinda naturally falls outside of transduction contexts. This uses a bounded min-heap to accumulate the largest N seen so far enabling (transduce xf (keep-heap 100 compare-fn) reducible-coll). It was motivated by querying a db, scoring in Clojure and only wanting to keep the top 100 results sorted by the scoring. The use of the heap enables taking N sorted results without keeping all of the elements in memory to sort them.

🆒 4
pithyless 2021-02-15T16:52:14.018300Z

This is cool - thanks for sharing. There is an x/sort-by in (that just builds up a complete collection). Have you considered possibly submitting keep-heap as an additional transducer to xforms (vs releasing a new lib)?

dpsutton 2021-02-15T16:55:10.018700Z

i hadn't. as its only a single function i wasn't sure where it would be most useful or if many people would even find it useful

dpsutton 2021-02-15T16:55:33.018900Z

and yeah i looked at the x/sort-by but it realizes the whole collection which is the primary evil i'm trying to avoid