
A place to post minor releases of libraries and projects that you would not otherwise post in #announcements
ericdallo 2021-04-13T13:18:08.042100Z

dpsutton 2021-04-13T13:36:18.042300Z

what's the keybinding you are invoking to bring up the contextual menu in these gifs on the snippets page?

ericdallo 2021-04-13T13:38:10.042500Z

is just the completion with company, for doom-emacs C-SPC , for vanila emacs should be TAB

ericdallo 2021-04-13T13:39:15.042800Z

the snippets are just like any completion item, the difference it's that clojure-lsp is following a standard that adds a $ as the sufix, but it changes nothing

dpsutton 2021-04-13T13:40:01.043Z

i saw a few that showed a menu with "Select code action"

dpsutton 2021-04-13T13:40:12.043200Z

wasn't sure what keybinding and function that was

ericdallo 2021-04-13T13:40:42.043400Z

oh, that's another menu, the code actions one, that uses emacs completing-read

ericdallo 2021-04-13T13:41:08.043600Z

you can use it with lsp-execute-code-action , if more than one code action is available, that menu will appear

dpsutton 2021-04-13T13:41:50.043800Z

lovely thanks
