Hi guys, first time on clojurians slack - bit of a beginner. I'm setting up a http://compose.io rethinkdb deployment and I want to use https://github.com/apa512/clj-rethinkdb to connect to it, but don't know which connection parameters I should be using
Probably host and auth-key
So here's my connection snippit:
(defn rethink-connect
(r/connect :host (environ.core/env :rethinkdb-host)
:port (environ.core/env :rethinkdb-port)
:db (environ.core/env :rethinkdb-db)
:auth-key (environ.core/env :rethinkdb-auth)))
(defn record-event!
[event collection]
(let [r (with-open [conn (rethink-connect)]
(-> (r/table collection)
(r/insert [event])
(r/run conn)))]))
But I keep getting the error:
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Error connecting to RethinkDB database
I'm getting the host, port, db and auth-key from my http://compose.io rethinkdb instance. The auth-key is the admin password taken from authentication credential provided by http://compose.io interface. Not sure what's going on.
I'm also given a connection string which I was wondering if I could use instead of each parameter - looks like
<rethinkdb://admin:[password]@aws-us-xxx-1-portal.xxx.xxxx.com:15731>Warning: there's something commercial afoot with rethinkdb https://discuss.horizon.io/t/are-rethink-and-horizon-dead-abandoned/619/7