Hello! I am sorry, I do not understand https://vlaaad.github.io/reveal/#cursive I guess I should choose "Run with Deps", even though the docs doesn't say so? And I guess I should put -m vlaaad.reveal repl
into JVM Args, right? Or? 🙏
Hi! Yes, it's "run with deps"
When using "Run with Deps", I also select an alias that has this:
:main-opts ["-m" "vlaaad.reveal" "repl"]
In that case I don't need to set it anywhere else. I think -m vlaaad.reveal repl
should be in "Parameters", not in "JVM Args"thanks a lot!
@vlaaad how can I send a PR for https://vlaaad.github.io/reveal ?
repo is here https://github.com/vlaaad/vlaaad.github.io
there is reveal.md in the root folder