Hey there! I released 1.1.171
with the number one requested feature: clearing the output panel, that is bound to Ctrl + L shortcut (uses Ctrl on mac too). There are some other UI changes as well, but they are still a bit WIP, I'll make a proper announcement when they are baked just right.
i'm trying to hook up reveal to emacs cider. I see https://vlaaad.github.io/reveal/#nrepl-based-editors , but it's not picking up the .nrepl.edn
file in project for whatever reason. Is there another recommended setup for emacs cider?
I was able to get it to work by manually editing the cider jack in command, but I'm hoping to have a per project setup
Do you use leiningen? I think I saw other ways to specify reveal middleware as a custom profile
well, I'm also trying clojure cli for the first time
mostly just wondering if someone else had specifically tried emacs cider and it worked for them. otherwise, I'll figure something out
I don't have much experience with emacs/cider combo, sorry
np! excited to try reveal 🙂
And if you are curious about UI changes, you can use Ctrl+Enter
instead of Enter
in action popup to open result in a new result panel, which means you can now see multiple results at the same time.
There is an open issue about it that cider ignores .nrepl.edn because cider passes itself command line options to nrepl https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/issues/2927
ok, I was able to get a solution that worked well enough for my use case. sharing in case it helps others or someone has an improvement.
added the following to my .emacs
(defun reveal-reveal ()
(require 'cider)
(add-to-list 'cider-jack-in-nrepl-middlewares "vlaaad.reveal.nrepl/middleware")
(cider-add-to-alist 'cider-jack-in-lein-plugins
"vlaaad/reveal" "RELEASE"))
M-x reveal-reveal
to have cider-jack-in
add reveal dependencies and middleware@smith.adriane I have an alias for using Clojure CLI, Cider and reveal
i'm not familiar with .dir-locals.el
.dir-locals.el is a per project configuration for Emacs
does it get picked up if I only open files in a subdirectory (eg. ./src/...)?
Yes. Although you can run the command revert-buffer on a project buffer to load it into emacs
https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/clojure-projects/project-configuration.html. for some other example
Once it's loaded, it stays there though