I've written a Reveal plugin that lays out graphs (the kind of graph that's made up of vertices and directed edges): https://github.com/chrismurrph/show-graph
Found a time to give it a try, neat! I had a problem with using it as a git dep: some code refers to au.com.seasoft.general.dev
which is not present in the default paths, so to require it correctly I had to create an empty ns with this name.
Do you have plans to publish it on Clojars?
Thanks @vlaaad. That library is on Clojars, but it is my mistake if any library user needs to require it.
cjmurphy/dev-lib {:mvn/version "0.5.0"}
When I fix the 2 issues it might become a bit more usable. User should be able to click rather than having to tab through all the nodes. And for the other one the error message from Reveal is not informative so I'll debug that from within the Reveal source - will be getting onto that today.Also mistake in my README document. Should be require <http://au.com|au.com>.seasoft.graph.reveal.view
not <http://au.com|au.com>.seasoft.reveal.view
Nice one
Nice one, @cjmurphy!
Thanks @affan.salman. I appreciate it. I was lucky enough to find an algorithm HyperassociativeMap that does the actual laying out. I just had to make it callable at runtime.
Ah, that’s a useful find @cjmurphy. I appreciate both this pointer and the useful documentation in your repos (I’ve taken a quick look at ham_layout and show-graph).
I communicated a bit with the author of the HAM algorithm, Jeffrey Freeman. He recommended the license be changed to a more permissive one. Funny how the algorithm was buried in with so much other code. Now with ham_layout it is a bit more accessible, and of course runtime-friendly.