@the 2) you can add a description
in your api
{:ui "/swagger"
:spec "/swagger.json"
:data {:info {:title "xxx"
:description "yyy"}
3) Can’t you define a schema for the route? (defschema Article2 (dissoc Article description))
something like that
@mping 2) I have one big defapi
with many nested context
. Would you use one api
per context?
3) Yeah, that would probably work. I thought I could get away with on-the-fly schemas.
that may not work because in swagger, I only see one spot at the top for the description and title
swagger makes a nice section per context. This can have a top-level :description
but this text is then used as a default description for the individual routes in the context, not as an "introductory" description.
you have summary per route
and you also have tags
(GET "/rate" []
:summary "Gets the rate for a given date, aggregated by confirmation date"
tags are weird because description is in toplevel, but tags are in each context
yes, this is shown in the route heading (`:summary`), so it's per-route, not per-context.
(context "/metrics" []
:tags ["ui"]
:coercion :spec
(def swagger-api
{:ui "/swagger"
:spec "/swagger.json"
:data {:info {:title " services"
:description " services"}
:tags [{:name "processor", :description "migrations and event processor"}
{:name "ui", :description "ui services"}]
are used as the context title in the api docs.
I don’t know any other places other than that
ok, thanks for the effort anyway
np, feel free to check the openapi docs, maybe there’s something buried: https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md
ah, ok, will do that
@the the 3, defschema
puts the Schema name, ns and description as meta-data for the Schema. normal dissoc
retains the meta-data and the docs are wrong. there are helpers for these in https://github.com/metosin/schema-tools. e..f (-> Article (st/dissoc :description)))
great, thanks 👍
also things like st/select-keys
, which understand the s/optional-key
& s/required-key