
mpenet 2017-10-04T12:15:57.000224Z

@ikitommi I like that router lib, it's well put together really

mpenet 2017-10-04T12:18:23.000387Z

I d like it even more if it limited itself to routing tho. Shouldn't the coercion/middlware'intercept be a "resource" level concern?

mpenet 2017-10-04T12:21:40.000462Z

maybe that's what you meant with separate artifacts tho

mpenet 2017-10-04T12:26:08.000039Z

I think I might give it a try

ikitommi 2017-10-04T12:48:47.000199Z

@mpenet great to hear you like that! Agree that the simplest definition for a routing lib is just route definition & matching, e.g. reitit.core. Have to learn how to maintain a mono-/multirepo to be able deploy the layers as separate artefacts. Only dependency in the lib is meta-merge, so it has been easy to develop all in same repo/project.

mpenet 2017-10-04T12:49:44.000046Z

not claiming this is the best way, but I do it one way that works for me on https://github.com/mpenet/alia

👍 1
mpenet 2017-10-04T12:50:41.000312Z

this one uses lein, but it s very similar (easier actually) with boot, that's what I use on internal stuff now

mpenet 2017-10-04T12:51:28.000353Z

I guess it's kinda similar to the way ring is organized too