
sandbags 2017-12-30T15:58:33.000057Z

I'm getting an assertion error from inside Ring related to the CookieStore. It's been working okay for some time and to my knowledge I've not altered anything relating to it: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/e05eadc647dda32a90f0d031126eedf6

sandbags 2017-12-30T15:58:34.000052Z

@sandbags shared a file: https://clojurians.slack.com/files/U06BDH95J/F8KTFLP40/gistfile1.txt

sandbags 2017-12-30T16:00:45.000024Z

The last things i've been doing have been related to switching from sqlite to mysql but... not implicated with ring, sessions, or cookies that I know of

sandbags 2017-12-30T16:02:53.000043Z


sandbags 2017-12-30T16:03:47.000004Z

Except that Friend stores the user identity in the session, and I switched from sqlite to Mysql because sqlite was returning datetimes as strings, MySQL is returning them as some kind of object, presumably one which does not serialise!

sandbags 2017-12-30T16:04:29.000121Z

everything is connected to everything…