
chadhs 2019-02-12T22:25:24.001200Z

just a heads up, latest lein-ring-server and leiningen 2.9 aren’t playing well together right now on clojure 1.10; had to revert to lein 2.8.3

seancorfield 2019-02-12T22:58:19.001800Z

@chadhs Did you open an issue against Leiningen that it broke things in 2.9?

seancorfield 2019-02-12T22:59:26.002900Z

(perhaps you can share more details of what "aren't playing well together" means?)

chadhs 2019-02-12T23:01:14.003600Z

@seancorfield i need to open an issue, i agree. in the #leiningen channel i posted a gist for mikerod and he looked at it a bit.

chadhs 2019-02-12T23:01:30.004Z

need to head out for the day, thanks for the kind reply

seancorfield 2019-02-12T23:06:58.004800Z

@chadhs It's due to an old version of clojure.core.unify being pulled in by leinjacker (whatever that is) which seems to be pulled in from lein-ring-server.

seancorfield 2019-02-12T23:08:57.005700Z

OK, so the problematic library is actually leinjacker https://github.com/sattvik/leinjacker/blob/master/project.clj pulling in really old versions of things, including core.contracts which is where I think core.unify comes from.



seancorfield 2019-02-12T23:09:59.007100Z

Doesn't look like leinjacker is maintained any more... so lein-ring probably ought to override the transitive deps and bring in newer versions? @weavejester


If someone wants to submit a PR that mimics lein-jacker's dependency update function then that's fine by me.


But lein-ring should just need core.unify updated to 0.5.7 to get it working again.


Codox had the same issue.

seancorfield 2019-02-12T23:11:53.009Z

[org.clojure/core.contracts "0.0.6"] should do it...?


For Codox I just added a dependency for core.unify 0.5.7

seancorfield 2019-02-12T23:13:21.010500Z

leinjacker depends on 0.0.1 😞 -- yeah, updating just core.unify might well be enough.


I just use leinjacker to insert dependencies.

seancorfield 2019-02-12T23:16:01.011200Z

(I've never used lein-ring -- I've always managed my Ring apps "by hand")