
Simple, decomplected, isomorphic HTML UI library for Clojure and ClojureScript | 0.12.8

@valyagolev just specify :key in element attributes

valyagolev 2017-07-01T14:32:04.261830Z

i wanted something that would work in both cases, but i ended up not needing it anyway - thanks

valyagolev 2017-07-01T19:50:32.866011Z

I have an (arbitrary and arbitrarily nested) hiccup-style structure, where some elements are of some special types. is there any way i can override sablono's rendering of them (without traversing the whole structure)? e.g. [:div #my-type{:key "value"} ] => [:div [:div {:class "my-type"} "my-type: value"]], for several types