
Simple, decomplected, isomorphic HTML UI library for Clojure and ClojureScript | 0.12.8
jimmy 2017-07-21T10:54:38.565620Z

hi guys, I just notice using vector as class in rum generate class join with , which doesn't work at all in css. I can hardly think this is mistake of rum, can you guys help me to confirm this:

[:div {:class ["a" "b"] "weird"]
;; html 
;; <div class="a,b"></div>

rauh 2017-07-21T10:56:24.595756Z

@nxqd Cannot confirm this.

jimmy 2017-07-21T10:56:44.601543Z

@rauh so it's "a b" on your side?

rauh 2017-07-21T10:57:50.619884Z

@nxqd Yes:

(sablono.compiler/compile-html [:div {:class ["A" "B"]}])
=> (js/React.createElement "div" #js{:className "A B"})

jimmy 2017-07-21T10:58:21.628879Z

wow, what could possibly go wrong here. Thanks for your info

rauh 2017-07-21T11:00:11.660018Z

Same for (sablono.interpreter/interpret [:div {:class ["A" "B"]}]) fwiw

jimmy 2017-07-21T11:11:07.843186Z

mybad, I use defn instead of defcs ...

jimmy 2017-07-21T11:11:17.845927Z

and I used defcard-rg instead of defcard ...

jimmy 2017-07-21T11:14:04.890082Z

@rauh thanks for your input!