
Simple, decomplected, isomorphic HTML UI library for Clojure and ClojureScript | 0.12.8
escherize 2017-12-01T16:30:58.000132Z

How are you guys doing animation? is there a gist with a rum / react-motion integration example?


react-motion or react-transition-group usually do the job well, but in cljs/react animations are usually much slower because of interop overhead in react components

misha 2017-12-03T14:56:05.000105Z

There is no (should not be) such thing in clojure/script as interop overhead, is there?

misha 2017-12-03T14:57:37.000004Z

Most of the time is usually wasted on things like js->clj clj->js calls.

misha 2017-12-03T14:57:56.000021Z

What interop are you referring to?


I meant exactly clj->js, and also React wrappers overhead, though it might be not that important

escherize 2017-12-04T21:36:34.000298Z

So.. this is a noob question but how do I actually use either of those? :3

escherize 2017-12-04T21:36:55.000490Z

let's say i get the cljsjs for react-motion

escherize 2017-12-04T21:37:11.000066Z

what's next?


best I can suggest is this page