Hi @sova
can we see the code?
usually anything that's gonna be rendered in a sequence you can use rum.core/with-keys with it to put the react keys in
thank you I gotta figure out how to use that
Is rum support hiccup style on ReactiveNative? - https://github.com/tonsky/rum/issues/155
@netpyoung Why do you want to use that syntax instead of a normal function call?
yea that means
i want hiccup style [ ]
Why though?
It is more easy to be noticed. I want to use () for function call not for component. I want to distict () ,[]. reagent support that (def image (r/adapt-react-class (.-Image ReactNative)))
https://github.com/mathieuroblin/baguette-tv/blob/master/src/baguette_tv/android/core.cljs https://github.com/J-ogawa/follower/blob/master/src/follower/ios/core.cljs I can see quickly what is view, what is function