
Simple, decomplected, isomorphic HTML UI library for Clojure and ClojureScript | 0.12.8

@sova yes, of course. (rum/with-key (comp)) for custom components, or just add :key to hiccup elements

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ampersanda 2017-12-12T10:21:57.000225Z


ampersanda 2017-12-12T11:12:32.000286Z

I am currently new at Rum and also beginner on Clojure & Cljs. Is there a way to add routing inside Rum. I am using secretary now but I have problem how to use it. I googled and just found tutorials adding secretary on om and reagent but not about Rum Is there any suggestion about where do I have to start learn routing in Rum? Thank you very much


have a look at bidi (url matching) & pushy (html5 history)

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ampersanda 2017-12-12T11:32:11.000434Z

Thank you 🙂

ampersanda 2017-12-12T14:10:58.000189Z

@roman01la Excuse me, do you know how to use # in bidi? I am so confused


do you mean hash-based navigation?

ampersanda 2017-12-12T14:14:27.000218Z

yes 🙂


i don’t know any libraries to work with hash navigation, it’s a couple lines of code tbh, I always write it myself


here’s an example


use start! function for example in Rum mixin to set current route identifier into component’s local state and then render appropriate view for that route

ampersanda 2017-12-12T14:26:51.000183Z

Thank you, I read it first 🙂

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